Smell of functional programming

«Complexity kills. It sucks the life out of developers, it makes products difficult to plan, build, and test.»

Gianluca Guarini


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This famous Ray Ozzie’s quote is what motivated me to learn functional programming. Indeed, I spent a couple of years learning haskell and other complex mathematical theories and finally, on the 18th of September, I had the opportunity to present what I had learned in a webzürich meetup talk.

Functional programming style can be applied to any programming language and in my case, it improved the quality of my javascript code especially in really big projects.

source: internet™

In my slides, I show examples on how to simplify really complex problems with a functional approach.

Functional programming is about building small blocks and
combining them together.

I also explain the advantages of a declarative programming style vs an imperative one.

Due to the short amount of time at my disposal (15min), I was only able to quickly mention some of the main FP core concepts like purity, immutability, recursion or streams. I am sure though there will be other chances for presenting my findings in a more profound way.

So far, my demos worked without glitches, I got a great feedback and the webzürich team was really kind and professional. I could only recommend you participating in their events because the Swiss web community is really talented and active.

The demos of my talk are available on Github and here you can see the video of the event.

I would like close this quick post with a quote borrowed from the Clean Code book that is my daily mantra:

«Getting software to work and making software clean are two very different activities.»

. . .

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I code stuff for living — Riot.js Maintainer — I like javascript, haskell and golang